Modules for the fast weaning of piglets

Modules for the fast weaning of piglets

Fiberbox 120, Fiberbox 150 and Agritunnel are the new ideal and low cost solution for the fast weaning of piglets. They offer several advantages


Fiberbox 120 is the new ideal and low cost solution for the fast weaning of piglets. They offer several advantages:

- lower investment, as Fiberbox 120 replace in an effective way the traditional breeding sheds;
- healthier piglets: the partition of piglets in boxes avoids infections and disease propagation;
- easy washing with high pressure water or steam lance.
Fiberbox 120 is made of reinforced glassfibre and insulated with 4 cm polyurethane; it can house up to 40 piglets from 6 to 23 kg. An electro-mechanical control board manages both heating and ventilation in the modules; so they can be installed where outdoor temperatures range from -16° C to + 37° C.


Sertésnevelde Sertésnevelde Sertésnevelde
Sertésnevelde Sertésnevelde Sertésnevelde


Fiberbox 150 is the new ideal and low cost solution for the fast weaning of piglets. They offer several advantages:

- lower investment, as Fiberbox 150 replace in an effective way the traditional breeding sheds;
- healthier piglets: the partition of piglets in boxes avoids infections and disease propagation;
- easy washing with high pressure water or steam lance.
Fiberbox 150 is made of reinforced glassfibre and insulated with 4 cm polyurethane; it can house up to 60 piglets from 6 to 23 kg. The heating can be provided by different means (with infrared lamps or heating plates) at customer's choice.



Sertésnevelde Sertésnevelde


Agritunnel offers an excellent alternative to conventional stables both for their efficiency and their cost. They offer multiple advantages:
- Compact transportation and easily assembly thanks to their special modular design;
- Possibility to expand, dismantle and move the shed to another place;
- Great resistance to aging and environmental extremes; excellent thermal insulation thanks to high-density polyurethane fittings (4cm of polyurethane correspond to 40cm of a concrete wall);
- Easy to clean;
- Large availability of accessories: electric control board with insulation degree IP55; fans with automatic shutters and a possibility to set and manage temperatures; aeration chimneys in fiberglass; access doors in solid fiberglass with wings in stainless steel; windows with aluminium frames; all remaining metal parts in stainless steel.

agritunnel sertésnevelde

Sertésnevelde Sertésnevelde Sertésnevelde

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